Heart Ambassadors

Heart AmbassadorsAbout the Heart Institute
The Heart Institute at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is one of the top-ranked pediatric heart programs in the nation - with a long history of exceptional and innovative care for the most complex pediatric cardiac conditions. The Heart Institute treats patients from fetus to young adulthood and serves as a major referral center for all forms of congenital and acquired heart disease.

Heart Ambassadors
The Heart Ambassadors are families and friends who have been touched by the expert care that is only found at the Heart Institute at CHLA. Their mission is to support heart families and help give the Heart Institute the best tools to care for children by pursuing advances in care, improving outcomes, and helping families whose children face complex heart conditions.

Heart Ambassador Research Endowment Fund
The Heart Ambassadors Research Endowment Fund was established in 2021 to provide funding for research studies to propel the Heart Institute’s ability to make discoveries advance the care available to children with heart disease at CHLA and around the country. This endowed fund will support top research priorities in the Heart Institute in perpetuity, and benefit generations of children to come. 

Annually, Heart Institute co-Director’s Paul F. Kantor, MBBCh, MSc, FRCPC, and Vaughn A. Starnes, MD will select a research initiative in the area of greatest need—and greatest promise—to be awarded a grant from the fund.

How you can help
Complete the form below to make a gift to support the Heart Ambassadors Research Endowment Fund

Contact Us
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Heart Ambassadors 

Connie Sanchez, Senior Associate Director
Phone: 323-361-1743
Email: cosanchez@chla.usc.edu

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